Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

Ismet Inonu 1 cd. No:13/704
Tepebasi 26130 Eskisehir Türkiye

PVC-U profiles for windowsSOFTLINE 82 MD

The VEKA SOFTLINE 82 MD system is a particularly high-performance system with a centre seal. The innovative multi-chamber geometry of SOFTLINE 82 MD ensures excellent thermal insulation with values of up to Uw = 0.74 W/(m²K) when using highly insulating triple glazing withUg = 0.5 W/(m²K)

In a thermally optimized version with thermally separated steel reinforcements, SOFTLINE 82 MD also easily meets the most stringent energy efficiency requirements – from low-energy houses to passive houses.

Class A profiles offer measurably more performance

VEKA window and door profiles have outer wall thicknesses of 3.0 mm on the visible surfaces and 2.7 mm in the rebate or connection area (tolerance 0.2 mm in each case). According to DIN EN 12608, these are therefore profile systems of the highest class. What’s more: In Germany, VEKA is even the only manufacturer that exclusively produces Class A plastic profile systems. In order to reliably achieve these particularly high wall thicknesses, VEKA uses around 14% more material in profile production than would be sufficient for lower class B profiles.

The fact that the higher wall thickness of class A profiles actually results in higher performance is proven by extensive measurements. The series of tests in material testing at VEKA showed that windows made of class A profiles have 15-20 % higher corner strength compared to those made of class B profiles. Dimensional stability is also greater, as shown by 10-12% less deflection under load. Also measured was the force required to pull bolts out of the profile: this is up to 20% greater for Class A profiles than for less strong-walled Class B profiles.


Technical data

System depth 

View widths min.

Glass thickness max.

Sash width max.

Sash height max.

Uf value

Sound insulation Rw

Wind load resistance

Water tightness against driving rain

Air permeability

Burglar resistance

Wall thickness

82 mm

Fixed field: 73 mm / Frame and sash: 114 mm

54 mm

1400 mm

2500 mm

up to 1.0 W/(m²K) / [0.94 W/(m²K) with thermal break]

up to 47 dB

up to class B5

until class 9A

until class 4

until RC2

Class A in accordance with DIN EN 12608-1

Highest VEKA quality:
Class A profile to DIN EN 12608 with an outer wall thickness of 3 mm and 2.7 mm walls in the rebate and connection area (tolerance ±0.2 mm in each case)
Large dimensioned, perfectly fitted steel reinforcements

make a significant contribution to static safety, load transfer and dimensional stability, thus ensuring many years of functional safety and strong burglar resistance


Semi flush area

SOFTLINE 82 MD opens up additional design options, as the system is available in a recessed as well as in a semi flush area version. Thus, the windows can be perfectly adapted to any architectural style


With SOFTLINE 82 MD, different variants of glass bonding can be realized. Special sash profiles for glass edge bonding enable maximum stability and safety with the highest processing efficiency

Energetically optimized

For the highest energy requirements, various thermally separated sash and frame reinforcements are available for the SOFTLINE 82 system. They enable Uf values of up to 0,94 W/(m²K)

Two materials combined

Aluminium cover profiles open up additional possibilities for the design of windows and doors. The panels can be anodized or powder-coated in all RAL colours. Placed on the outside of the frame and sash profile, they combine the high-quality metal look of aluminium with the technical advantages of PVC-U.